17th Biennial Conference: Foundations in Flux
Columbus College of Art & Design
VP of Biennial Conference: Andrew McCauley
16th Biennial Conference: Beyond the Core
Kansas City Art Institute
VPs of Biennial Conference: Steve Snell & Caleb Taylor
14th Biennial Conference: postHaus
Savannah College of Art & Design, Savannah, GA
Chris Kienke, VP of Biennial Conference
6th Biennial Conference: Defining the Basics
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Charles Bleick, Conference Chair
5th Biennial Conference: Visions & Revisions in Foundation Education
Eastern Illinois University, St. Louis, MO
Jeff Boshart, Conference Chair
4th Biennial Conference: Tradition & Transition: Our Role in a Multicultural and Multidisciplinary Era
University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA
Elsa Johnson & Niles Lewandowski, Co-Conference Chair
3rd Biennial Conference: Shaking the FOUNDATIONS: Integration & Disintegration in Developing First Year Programs
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Craig Vogel, Conference Chair
2nd Biennial Conference: Foundation Education at a Crossroad: A Dialectic of Diverse Disciplines
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Paul Berube, Conference Chair
1st Conference: Foundation Studies in Art: Goals and Strategies
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Ying Kit Chan, Conference Chair
15th Biennial Conference: Tectonic Shifts: Breaking New Ground
Herron School of Art & Design, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN
William Potter, VP of Biennial Conference
13th Biennial Conference: On Stream
East Illinois University, St. Louis, MO
Jeff Boshart, VP of Biennial Conference
12th Biennial Conference: Confluence
Pacific Northwest College of Art & Portland Community College,
Portland, OR
Elizabeth Bilyeu & Mary Preis, Co-VPs of Biennial Conference
11th Biennial Conference: Shift, Connect, Evolve
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, Milwaukee, WI
Jan Feldhausen, Conference Chair
10th Biennial Conference: Voyage: Exploring New Horizons
Columbus College of Art & Design, Columbus, OH
David Burghy, Conference Chair
9th Biennial Conference: Framing Time
Ringing School of Art & Design, Sarasota, FL
Sheryl Haler, Conference Chair
8th Biennial Conference: Taking Risks: Leaving the Safety of
Our Disciplines
Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA
Nancy Cusack, Conference Chair
7th Biennial Conference: Mapping the Creative Landscape
Front Range Community College, Fort Collins, CO
Barbara Nesin, Conference Chair