Regional Events Archive
FATE Conference AID & Information SESSION
Friday, July 12th, at 12pm EST | on Zoom
Event Information: To aid in conference participation and travel, the FATE team is pleased to offer information on the 2025 conference on the following topics:
finding and applying to panels
formatting abstracts
membership info and conference registration
FATE awards
other travel concerns
bring your specific questions
Questions? Contact the FATE Vice President of Regional Programming, Millian Giang Pham, at phamliengiang@gmail.com.
FATE Mentorship Virtual Event (free)
January 26th, 2024 12:00-1:30pm CST
Virtual Link will be sent to registrants
Event Information: New to the academic job market? Currently a GTA but wanting to get ahead of the game for future application cycles? Need a refresher or some help with academic job search materials? This FATE Mentorship Virtual Event will offer two presentations on this topic followed by a general Q&A with time to workshop specific questions and concerns from participants. This pilot event is free and participants do not have to be a FATE member to attend.
Kevin Kao, Assistant Professor of Art at Furman University
Katie Hargrave, UC Foundation Associate Professor and Foundations Coordinator at University of Tennessee
Host: Millian Giang Pham, Assistant Professor of Art and Foundations Coordinator at Auburn University

November 4, 2022, from 10am-1pm
Harford Community College in Bel Air, Maryland (Joppa Hall, Room J-54)
Please RSVP: hneff@harford.edu by October 28 (Limit15 people).
A release valve lets off pressure and relieves the stress that can be built up in a system. Yesterday, a student asked me what I do about student burnout. Increasingly, my students just want to get assignments done and off their mental lists. How can we get them out of this grind mode which inhibits creative thought and adds to their stress and into a mental space where their creativity can flourish in a mentally-restorative way? You are invited to partake in experiential pedagogical research on methods to create the right environment and cues conducive to spontaneous play-based (active) learning as part of your students’ creative process. This will not be your average roundtable or workshop. You will be invited as a teaching artist to enter a space with making stations, research stations, and a white board for collaborative note taking. By putting ourselves in the place of our students, our aim is to explore what elements inhibit or are conducive to collaboration, play based research, and iterative thinking. After two hours, we will discuss what worked, what didn’t work, and how we can apply methods in our classrooms. The notes taken at this event will be used to produce a short collaborative paper with all
attendees as co-authors.

Regional Art Forum
Arts and The Community
Friday, April 3, 2020
Fort Hays State University, The Center for Art and Design, Atrium/AD 103/AD 219
In this Regional FATE Art Forum we will be discussed how regional educators are bringing art students to the community to engage in community based learning and/or expanding art practice to engage with the non-arts community. This forum was one full day with 8 short presentations from regional instructors. The Key Note Speaker was Shin He, Professor of Art, Tabor College. She will gave a talk about her recent art collaboration with FHSU Art students and Hays community members and how she engages community in her personal practice.
Lead Organizer: Amy Jane Schmierbach, Professor @ Fort Hays State University
Co Organizer: Jee Hwang, Assistant Professor @ Fort Hays State University
For more information: ajschmierbach@fhsu.edu

SEPTEMBER 21, 2019 - 9AM-12PM
Harford Community College, Joppa Hall 50-54, 401 Thomas Run Rd, Bel Air, MD 21014
Coordinators: Heidi Neff, Harford Community College
• How have your recently brought your research/artist practice into the classroom?
• What have you learned recently through teaching that has informed your own research/artistic practices?
• What practices can nurture both your professional practice and effective instruction?
This will be a casual event for sharing the practices that help your professional and teaching practices support each other. All participants should come ready to share their stories and experiences of how they use what they learn in their professional studios in their classrooms and vice versa. Participants are also encouraged to bring examples of their recent work and/or student work (real or digital) to share with the group.
FATE Regional Forum
When: September 22, 2018
Where: Stevenson University
Cost: Free
Coordinators: Lori Rubeling, LRubeling@stevenson.edu & Heidi Neff, hneff@harford.edu
Creating the right foundations program sometimes feels like a moving target based on changing technology and theory in upper level programs. Stevenson University will host this regional forum and it will include a presentation and discussion by Catherine Behrent on the recent overhaul of MICA's foundation program. Lori Rubeling, from Stevenson, will be discussing strategies for introducing practice-led research in foundations.
If you are interested in doing a short presentation on something innovative you or your school are doing, please submit by Monday, September 3rd. To attend, please RSVP by Monday, September 10th. Please contact Lori Rubeling, LRubeling@stevenson.edu or Heidi Neff, hneff@harford.edu to RSVP.

FATE Regional Workshop
Screen Grab
When: December 14th, 6-9pm
Where: Wayfarers Gallery, 1109 Dekalb Ave, Brooklyn, 11221
Cost: Registration: $35. This covers use of the gallery, demo materials, take aways & dinner.
Coordinators: Meredith Starr, SUNY Suffolk County Community College
How are institutions using "the screen" in their visual art and design curriculum? Join us at the Wayfarers Gallery in Brooklyn for an event comprised of a series of hands-on screen printing demos, and discussions about innovative ways to incorporate screen printing even without formal facilities. There will also be a member led conversation about various practices of introducing technological screen time into the studio classroom, and the creation of a collaborative art work. Through this process based workshop we will learn and practice a variety of methods to take back to our students. All are welcome! Limit 30 participants.
If you would like to be a Screen Grab presenter, please submit a brief proposal for a 10 minute presentation to Meredith Starr at starrm@sunysuffolk.edu, due by November 1st, 2018.
When: September 14-15, 2018
Where: University of Central Florida,Orlando, Florida
Cost: Early Bird Registration: $25 (Ends on August 31) / Regular Registration: $35 (plus small processing fee on OvationTix)
Coordinators: Shannon Lindsey, University of Central Florida, School of Visual Arts and Design & Jessica (J.B.) Burke, Georgia Southern University, Department of Art
Please join us September 14-15, 2018, for a Regional FATE Conference at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Florida for a symposium to share your new and developing pedagogical approaches, curriculum, and projects. This will provide the unique opportunity to hear fellow art colleagues share their experiments, successes, and failures and how they will continue to change in the future.
Conference cost covers the reception on Friday evening, continental breakfast and lunch (with vegetarian option included) on Saturday, and snacks. Daily parking passes will be distributed at check-in.
For more information and to register, visit the art(WORK)ING Conference webpage.
FATE Regional Workshop
When: 5:00pm April 6th - 5:00pm, April 7th, 2018
Where: Columbus State University, RiverPark Campus, Corn Center for the Visual Arts, 921 Front Ave, Columbus, GA 31901
Cost: Registration: $35 (This covers reception on Friday evening, continental breakfast and lunch (with vegetarian option included) on Saturday, and snacks.)
Coordinators: Elizabeth (Libby) McFalls & Jessica (J.B.) Burke, Columbus State University, Department of Art
How are institutions incorporating play, risk-taking, exploration, and community in First Year Studio and Art Appreciation courses? How are these concepts helping to shape the way students think and faculty teach?
Visit the Columbus State University’s RiverPark Campus for this one day symposium to share your experiences and favorite project/lesson plan that incorporates retooling or recontextualisation of Foundations Curriculum. Hear from colleagues as they share what is unique about their programs or classrooms. Learn what worked, what didn’t, and what they plan to do differently in the future. Gain knowledge from faculty who have moved away from a lecture-based Art Appreciation courses and have incorporated new approaches to increase student engagement.
Accommodation Option: Columbus Marriott Hotel offering special group rate of $129.00 per night. Book your group rate for "FATE CONFERENCE APRIL 2018" The last day to book at this rate is March 6th, 2018.
Questions? if so, please contact Libby McFalls, mcfalls_elizabeth@columbusstate.edu
FATE Regional Workshop
Skill Shop workshop
When: Saturday, February 10, 2018, 10:00am - 5:00pm
Where: Sam Houston State University, WASH (Workshop in Art Studio + History), address: 2220 Ave. M, Huntsville, TX, 77340
Cost: $20.00 covers breakfast, zine materials, other demo materials, lunch, and takeaway information loaded on a jump drive.
Coordinators: Jessica Simorte & Valerie Powell, Sam Houston State University
Join us for a one day event comprised of a series of hands-on demo stations, a zine workshop in which all will produce a zine to trade, and a project share. Demonstrations include fusing plastic for inflatable projects, various image transfer techniques, zine making, and more. Through this process based workshop we will learn and practice a variety of methods to take back to our students. All are welcome!

FATE Regional Forum
curriculum innovations
When: Saturday, September 23, 2017, 9:30am - 11:30am
Where: Stevenson University, Kevin Manning Academic Center room S275 (Address: 11200 Ted Herget Way Owings Mills, MD 21117)
Cost: Free. Coffee and doughnuts will be provided. 20 participants maximum.
Coordinators: Lori Rubeling, Stevenson University and Heidi Neff, Harford Community College
You are invited to attend FATE’s next regional forum at Stevenson University. This fall semester forum theme is curriculum innovations. Lori Rubeling from Stevenson will be discussing strategies for introducing practice-led research in foundations. Attendees are encouraged to bring an innovative idea or assignment to share with the group as time allows. Coffee and doughnuts will be provided. Please RSVP by Monday, September 18. Please contact Lori Rubeling, LRubeling@stevenson.edu or Heidi Neff, hneff@harford.edu to RSVP.
Location Note: Participants, please park in the southern-most parking lot. When entering the main entrance for this building look for the elevators and stairs. They will be to your left. Once on Second floor, room will be on left coming from the stair, right from the elevators.

FATE Regional Forum
Fall Semester Bushwick Bootcamp
When: Friday, September 29, 2017, 4pm - 6pm
Where: Amos Eno Gallery, 56 Bogart Street, Brooklyn, NY
Cost: $10 donation suggested, dinner at Roberta’s or Taqueria El Fogon not included
Coordinator: Meredith Starr, SUNY Suffolk County Community College, starrm@sunysuffolk.edu
A professional boot camp to mentally gear up to achieve your semester goals. Join us for an afternoon of creating strategies together, whether they be personal (in the studio), professional (in the classroom) or professional (in your career.) Held at Amos Eno, one of the premier cooperative galleries in Bushwick Brooklyn, we'll come together to discuss everything you can do to give yourself a fresh start in the new school year: how to create safe risk taking environments or incorporation new ideas from a great conference to trying a new textbook.
After the boot camp, there will be time to take in the great art in the 56 Bogart Street building and we'll continue the conversation across the street at Taqueria El Fogon. Space is limited, and participants are encouraged to RSVP as well as to send over any supporting visuals and bring any handouts, so that others can walk away with a packet of ideas/projects. The focus of this event is to support educators, but all are welcome to join in on this discussion. Please contact the event coordinator by September 8th, if you wish to participate.

FATE Regional Workshop
Tech Swap
When: Saturday, November 5, 2016, 10am-3pm
Where: University of North Texas, College of Visual Art and Design, Art Building, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX
Cost: $20 (includes coffee/muffins & lunch- vegetarian option available)
Coordinator: Deanna Ooley, Deanna.Ooley@unt.edu
How are institutions specifically using technology in their design foundation programs and curricula? Visit the University of North Texas for this one day workshop to share your experiences and favorite project that incorporates technology into design instruction. In addition to informal assignment swapping, several 20 minute lectures and demos will also be featured throughout the day. Participants are requested to bring a 5 minute informal presentation and project handouts for 25-30 people. Please share what worked, what didn’t, and what you plan to do differently in the future. Other useful materials such as student work pictures/ examples, supply lists and vendor contacts are also encouraged. If you would like to be a TechSwap presenter, please submit a brief proposal for a 20-25 minute presentation to Deanna Ooley at Deanna.Ooley@unt.eduby October 15, 2016. Limit 30 participants.
FATE Regional RoundTable & Forum
Critique games part III: Plans into Action
When: Wednesday, August 24, 2016, 9:30am-12:30pm
Where: Harford Community College, Joppa Hall 53, 401 Thomas Run Rd, Bel Air, MD 21014
Cost: The event itself is free. Lunch at Broom's Bloom not included
Coordinator: Heidi Neff, Harford Community College, hneff@harford.edu
At our last session (Critique Games Part II), a member led us in a critique of another's artwork. At the end of session, several members suggested that next time we should all bring work and practice critiquing each other's work. It was also also suggested we have lunch at Broom's Bloom afterwards and continue the conversation. Please RSVP by Monday, August 22, 2016.

FATE Regional Forum
plains talk: Foundations project share
When: Friday, May 6, 2016, 10am-5pm
Where: Beren Gallery in the Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS
Cost: Free event. Light breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Coordinator: Robert Budp, robert.bubp@wichita.edu
Foundations instructors from across the region will share their favorite Foundations assignments and samples of student work--writing, drawing, 2D design, 3D design, 4D design & multimedia--there will be something for everyone.
Space is limited. Contact Robert Bubp at robert.bubp@wichita.edu to present and/or attend the event. Projects may be submitted for share or presentation or both; submit requests to present by April 1, 2016. Projects to share should be submitted by May 2, 2016 in order to provide materials to attendees.
FATE Regional Forum
Leverage: Shifting Forces in the Classroom
When: Friday, April 8, 2016, 10:30am-3:30pm
Where: University of Idaho, Art & Architecture Building, 022
Cost: Free event. Lunch Provided
Coordinators: oe Hedges, Assistant Professor of Painting/Intermedia, Washington State University, joe.hedges@wsu.edu & Stacy Isenbarger, Assistant Professor of Art + Design, University of Idaho, stacyi@uidaho.edu
New art and design foundations educators are forced to confront diverse curriculum and first year students issues with limited navigational support. Curriculum precision and design tactics become necessary to achieve leverage in productive classroom. Join us for a day of interactive activities and discussion identifying ways to help students channel their own creativity into empowered action. Together we will discuss ways to turn disadvantages into advantages, fears into strengths and roadblocks into pathways to success.
The focus of this event will be on emerging educators, but all are welcome to join in on this discussion. Voices of experience welcome. Please contact event coordinators if you wish to participate or have any further questions.

FATE Regional forum
4d (time) in foundations
We will be looking at 4D foundations approaches (moving beyond 2D and 3D to add time-based activities). Topics of discussion will include approaches to stand-alone 4D foundations courses, approaches to integrating 4D projects into existing foundations courses, and elements/principles for 4D art & design.
When: Friday, February 26, 2016. Noon-5pm
Where: West Virginia Wesleyan College
Cost: Free
Coordinator: Ellen Mueller, mueller_e@wvwc.edu
The event will start with a panel presentation/discussion including:
Sarah G. Sharp, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Approaches to Stand Alone 4D Course Design & Adding 4D Assignments to Traditional Courses
Ferris Crane, Robert Morris University, Graphic Design with Time-based Projects and Sequential Thinking
Eric Homan, Columbus College of Art and Design, Integrating 4D Objectives into First Year Foundations
Jason Robinson, University of Mary Washington, Integrating Time-Based Work into Digital Foundations course for Non-Graphic Designers
Joe Reinsel, St. Mary's College of Maryland, Interactive and Sound Art
The panel will be followed by a project exchange/discussion (projects will be submitted beforehand [this is optional] so everyone can walk away with a printed packet of projects).
Pre-registration required: To pre-register, please send an email to mueller_e@wvwc.edu by February 1, 2016. Seating is limited.
Lunch will be provided courtesy of West Virginia Wesleyan College. (no cost to attendees)

FATE Regional workshop
southern comfort
This event will be held from 2pm Friday, February 19th- 4pm Saturday,February 20th at the WASH {Workshop in Art Studio + History} at Sam Houston State in Huntsville, Texas. For more information and to register please visit [HERE].
FATE Regional Forum
Critique Games: Part II
When: 9am-1pm, Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Where: Hartford Community College in Bel Air, MD. Joppa Hall, room J-53
Cost: Free
Coordinator: Heidi Neff, Hartford Community College
Back by popular demand, this forum will address the difficulties of critiquing foundations level students. Participants will participate in mock critiques using varied strategies appropriate for those new to critiquing.
Discussion items will include:
How to deal with the over-sharers in the room
How to have a positive learning environment without diluting the level of criticism
Strategies for quick critiques when more studio time is needed
How to assess student learning through the critiquing process
This is a Free Event. Snacks will be provided by please feel free to bring a sack lunch as well.
Pre-registration is required. To register, please contact Heidi Neff by email hneff@harford.edu by August 11, 2015. Seating is limited.
If you would like to present a unique method of critiquing or anything else related to the topic of critique, please contact Heidi Neff by July 28, 2015.

FATE Regional Event
Getting to the Heart of Art: Why Foundations Matter
When: Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Where: Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah
Cost: Free
Coordinator: Laurie Lisonbee, Southern Utah University
A Utah regional event for art faculty, students, teachers, and artists addressing issues of two-dimensional design and composition, and aspects of foundational art teaching. In any art discipline, it is crucial to understand the building blocks that support success. This event is for those who wish to begin or renew their love affair with the Elements of Art and Principles of Design. Hosted by Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah.
Panel Discussion: 6:00-7:00 pm in Emma Eccles Jones Education Bldg, Rm 104. Features art faculty of Southern Utah University addressing issues of art foundations pedagogy.
Hands on Practice: 7:00pm-9:00pm across the hall in Room 105. Art faculty of SUU will conduct a mixed-media workshop in a studio setting. Materials will be provided.
This is a Free Event with limited seating.
Pre-registration is required. To pre-register, send an email to laurielisonbee@gmail.com by October 7th. For other questions contact Event Coordinator Laurie Lisonbee at laurielisonbee@gmail.com or (801)362-6547.

FATE/TASA Regional workshop
Project share
When: T10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Saturday, March 29, 2014
Where: St. Edward's University, Fine Arts Center, 3001 S. Congress Ave., Austin, TX 78704
Cost: $20 (includes coffee & lunch)
Coordinators: Hollis Hammonds, St. Edward’s University & Valerie Powell, Sam Houston State University
Description: In the spirit of sharing, FATE and TASA (Texas Association of Schools of Art) are joining forces to host a FATE/TASA Regional Event at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas. Our goal is to offer an open forum where faculty can exchange ideas, projects, lectures and assignments. We invite faculty from all disciplines within the visual arts/design to join us. All participants will bring and share a project/assignment during our "Open Share" session. Please bring enough handouts/materials for 25-30 people, and prepare a 5 minute informal presentation. Participants may also apply to do a featured "Project Share" presentation, which could include a lecture, demonstration, student work samples, or other useful materials. "Project Share" presentations may be 20-30 minutes. The end goal of this swap is to share innovations and expertise with your peers, while gaining new viewpoints and tools to take back to your institutions!
If you would like to be a "Project Share" presenter at this workshop, please submit a brief proposal to Hollis Hammonds at hollis.hammonds@mac.com by March 5, 2014.
Group size: Limit to 30
Registration: Sign-up by contacting Hollis Hammonds at hollis.hammonds@mac.com or by telephone at (512) 294-4451 by midnight on March 21st, 2014.

FATE Regional conference
Kansas FATE
When: April 4, 2014 10:00am–5:00pm, 10am-5pm
Where: Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas, Memorial Union, Black and Gold room
Cost: $25 (includes light lunch, coffee, tea and lunch), Deadline for registration is March 28.
Coordinator: Amy Schmierbach
KANSAS FATE highlights topics and discussions leader from across Kansas. But does not limit the event to Kansans. We hope that individuals from across the Midwest region attend and participate in this creative event.
Panel/Discussion 1 – Creative approaches to foundation curriculum
Presenters: a. Wichita State University – Robert Bubp
b. Fort Hays State University - Linda Ganstrom
Panel/Discussion 2- Teaching professional practice in foundation courses
Presenters: a. University of Kansas - Matt Burke
b. Kansas State University - Nancy Morrow and Erin Wiersma
Panel/Discussion 3- Technology in foundation classes
Presenters: a. Washburn University - Marguerite Perret
b. Kansas City Art Institute - Brett Reif
Contact: Amy Schmierbach, 785-650-7259 or aschmier@fhsu.edu for more information
FATE Regional workshop
rethinking drawing
When: 10am-3pm Saturday, January 25, 2014
Where: Sam Houston State University, WASH Building, 2220 Ave. M, Huntsville, TX.
Group Size: 45 people
Cost: $25 (lunch will be provided)
Coordinators: Elaine Pawlowicz & Valerie Powell
Every art program involves drawing in some form: The question as an educator is often how to make drawing relevant, exciting and contemporary to our wide range of foundation students.
This involves rethinking, reexamining and perhaps reorganizing how we introduce mark making, storyboarding, observational drawing, imaginative drawing, doodling, architectural drawing and the habit of keeping track of the artistic process in a sketchbook.
How does your program structure drawing development? Should our approach to teaching drawing become more interdisciplinary, major specific and/or collaborative? Should equal value be placed on the end product of the drawing and the process associated with the work?
The purpose of this workshop is to highlight innovative approaches to drawing in all forms and begin a conversation about the role drawing plays in foundations curriculum. Presentations and demonstrations by selected guests will begin the discussion. Submissions for presentations on this topic are due by January 10th. In addition, we are inviting all participants to bring a drawing tip, assignment, project handout or resource to share with the group.
FATE/ITI Regional Workshop
The Digital Dilemma / Low tech high tech experience
When: Saturday, October 5, 2013,9:00am – 4:30pm
Where:Northern Illinois University, School of Art
Cost: $30
Coordinators: Cindy Hellyer Heinz, Northern Illinois University, Chuck Boone, College of Dupage & Marlene Lipinski, Columbia College
The struggle between the anticipation of all incoming student’s ability to negotiate the digital Adobe landscape and our student’s overwhelming requirement for making, expressing and thinking will be emphasized in this forum. The shared institutional responsibility to arrive at a consensus of benchmark expectations in regard to what our students need in their creative/skill tool belt is imperative. This “Think Tank” style dialogue will address learning projections, particular to the contemporary student, essential for their success.
Who are our students in 2013? How do they learn?
What are the essential components of a pertinent CORE program?
How is technology incorporated in a first year experience?
How do we assess success and increase innovation?
Register: Sign-up by contacting Cindy Hellyer Heinz by email at chheinz4@comcast.net by 10/1/2013
Group size: limited to 50 participants.
FATE Regional Forum
Building a Better Artist Myth
When: 9:30 am- 1pm, August 15, 2013
Where: J053,Harford Community College, Bel Air, Maryland 21015
Cost: Free, but bring your own brown bag lunch
Coordinator: Heidi Neff, Harford Community College
This regional forum explores how to use the foundations years to break detrimental myths about being an artist while teaching students healthy habits in order to help ensure their success in the following years. All participants in this small interactive event will prepare reading and answering a few key questions ahead of time.
FATE Regional Panel Presentation & Discussion
When: Thursday, April 4, 2013, 6–8:30pm
Where: Provo Library, Room 308, 550 N. University, Provo, UT
Cost: $0. FREE event with limited seating.
Coordinator: Laurie Lisonbee, Southern Utah University
Presenters: Art Foundations faculty from BYU, UVU and Snow College will demo and deliver their most successful strategies in Drawing, 2D Design & 3D Design.
Panel Discussion: The Foundations presenters will be joined by faculty from the art disciplines to address the skill sets they would like to see students acquire in Art Foundations courses. How can Drawing prepare a student to become a Photo major? How can 2D & 3D Design address space and motion for the Digital Media major?
FATE Regional Forum
When: 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m., Saturday, April 20, 2013
Where: Jackson State University, Johnson Hall Building, Room JH 120, 1400 J. R. Lynch Street, Jackson, MS.
Coordinator: Chung-Fan Chang, Jackson State University & Valerie Powell, Sam Houston State University
A unique opportunity to share insight and knowledge gained from the FATE Conference, in Savannah, as well as exchange project ideas, grading rubrics and critique strategies. This event is open to everyone; those who attended the conference and need to unpack what they experienced, as well as those who were unable to attend and would like to join in the conversation about foundations education. All participates are encouraged to bring something {practical tips, questions, resources, etc} to share with the group as we unpack ideas, discuss challenges and share solutions.
Registration Cost: This event is free and open to the public.
Registration Deadline: April 15, 2013
Register: Sign-up by contacting Chung-Fan Chang at chung-fan.chang@jsums.edu or Valerie Powell at vjp001@shsu.edu.
Group size: Limited to 20 participants.
FATE Regional Forum
When: Thursday, February 14, 2013, 5:30 – 7 p.m.
Where: Bryant Suite, Hilton, NYC
Cost: $0. FREE and open to all.
Coordinator: Lori Kent, Hunter College, CUNY
The FATE community regularly connects through the sharing of teaching methods, ideas, and studio stories. For CAA 2013, there is a continuation of the tradition of the “project swap/share.” Selected speakers (10) will present brief stories (7 minutes per participant) that reveal lesson concept, implementation, and result in six images. The lessons should be within the spectrum of foundations-level art, design, craft and related teaching. Attendance is open to all (no conference registration or FATE/CAA membership necessary).
FATE Regional Forum
Coordinator: Gary Pearce, The Art Institute of Atlanta-Decatur
When: 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m., Saturday, August 11, 2012
Where:The Art Institute of Atlanta-Decatur, One West Court Square, Decatur, Georgia, 30030 (room TBA)
Cost: $20
As an art instructor one of the main ways we teach is with demonstrations. When we are doing demonstrations things don't always go as smoothly as we would like. We all do things differently and learning another way to say or do something could benefit us and our students alike. So bring your favorite demo and share the way you approach the subject which could be any thing from perspective drawing, cutting paper straight, paint mixing, paint application, finding proper proportions, obtaining proper value, or anything else. You will need to bring the materials needed for your demonstration. There will be a computer in the room with CS5 on it if that is youR medium. The cost covers a lite breakfast and lunch.
Register: Sign-up by contacting Gary Pearce at gpearce@aii.edu.
Group size: Limited to 25 participants.
FATE Regional Forum
When: 9:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m., Friday, May 18, 2012
Where: Joppa Hall, Room 53, Harford Community College, Bel Air, Maryland 21015
Cost: Free
Coordinator: Heidi Neff, Harford Community College
Getting students to talk in foundations critiques can be like pulling-teeth. Meaningful conversation is often elusive, making the critiques something students and teachers dread. This forum will focus on games that can be played to make critiques both more productive and enjoyable for students.
- 9:30 a.m. —coffee and donuts
- 10:00 a.m. —presentations and mock critiques
- 12:00 p.m. —brown bag lunch and follow-up discussion
Register: Sign-up by contacting Heidi Neff by phone at (443) 412-2276 or by email at hneff@harford.edu by May 11, 2012. If you would like to present a critique game of your own, please contact Heidi Neff by Friday, May 4, 2012.
Group size: limited to 20 participants.
FATE Regional Workshop
BAUHAUS WITH THE BATHWATER: designing foundation studios with contemporary relevance
When: 10:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m., Saturday, March 10, 2012
WhereCalifornia College of the Arts, Oakland Campus, 5212 Broadway, Oakland, California
Cost: Free. We provide a snack and coffee, please bring a bag lunch.
Coordinator: Carol Elkovich, Lead; Kristen Sidell, Erik Scollon, and Shalini Agrawal, California College of the Arts
This workshop, hosted and mediated by faculty teaching in the First Year Program CCA, will present historically familiar art school foundation projects in the areas of; drawing; two dimensional studies; three dimensional studies; and time-based studies -- and will challenge the participants to deconstruct and reboot the assignments toward a contemporary interpretation that is more relevant to our students.
Register: Sign-up by contacting Carol Elkovich, CCA First Year Program Chair by email celkovich@cca.edu. Contact by February 24, 2012.
Group size: Limited to 20 participants.

FATE Regional workshop
When: 10:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m., Saturday, January 28, 2012
Where: Sam Houston State University, WASH Building of the Art Department, 2220 Ave. M, Huntsville, Texas
Cost: $25 (enough to cover food, parking and expenses)
Coordinator: Valerie Powell, Sam Houston State University
Let's be honest, sometimes critiquing student foundation work can be a disaster! Yet, critiques are a vital component to the studio practice, but can easily become mundane, repetitive moments that lack active participation from the entire class. The question as an educator is often how to make these experiences relevant, useful teaching tools that are both critical and FUN. The purpose of this workshop is to highlight practical techniques and strategies to critiquing artwork that is theme based and idea driven, as well as inclusive. Large group minicritique demonstrations and exercises given by selected guests, as well as small group sessions will provide a useful & practical sharing of critique approaches.
Register: Sign-up by contacting Valerie Powell by email at vjp001@shsu.edu or by telephone at (936) 294-4451 before January 26, 2012, 11:59PM.
Group size: Limit to 50
FATE Regional workshop
Coordinator: Doug Post, Woodbury University
Time/Date: 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Friday December 2, 2011
Location: Woodbury University, 7500 Glenoaks Blvd., Burbank, California
This introductory forum is designed to provide an opportunity to meet with other Art/Design Foundation instructors and together identify and discuss the most promising and critical issues facing our programs. While each program is unique, we have common goals, share common content, and a common need to address some of the shifting trends in higher education. Economic challenge being one these significant trends. Delivering a meaningful first year foundational experience is an increasingly complex job. The hope is that by sharing methods and experiences we can learn new strategies and strengthen all of our programs. Lunch is provided
Group size: Limit to 30
Register: Sign-up by contacting Doug Post by November 23, 2011 at doug.post@woodbury.edu;

FATE Regional Forum
CONNECTING THE DOTS: creating an innovative foundations program that works
When: 6:30–8:30 p.m., Friday, September 23, 2011 and 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m., Saturday, September 24, 2011
Where: University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia
Cost: $35 (Lunch is provided)
Coordinators: Clint Samples, Stephanie Smith, Casey McGuire, Rebecca Reynolds, Eilis Crean and Erin Dixon, University of West Georgia
Many Foundations programs are segmented into various areas (Beginning Art History, 2D and 3D design, Drawing), yet these classes are all interconnected in many ways. Students see Foundations classes as hoops they have to jump through to get to the classes they really want to take. The challenge is how to communicate to them what we already know—that these classes are crucial in laying the foundation for advanced work, and that advanced work will not succeed without dedication to the foundations of art. Foundations courses are not independent islands, but dots that need to be connected. Our job is to help students connect the dots, quite literally, and to show them the whole picture that emerges once the dots are connected. Encouraging a cross-disciplinary approach to teaching will allow students to “connect the dots” between classes and allow faculty to build synergy between foundation courses. Dialogue begins Friday evening with a keynote address and opening reception and concludes Saturday afternoon. Discussion topics will include “connecting the dots” between studio practice and Art History; collaboration efforts and similarities between 2D, 3D Design and Drawing classes; and basic communication strategies between students and instructors (critique, grading strategies, and retention efforts). Other topics will include “connecting the dots” as art students progress between high school, foundations and upper-level advanced work.
Group Size: 100 participants
Registration: Contact Clint Samples (csamples@westga.edu)
FATE Regional Forum
When: 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m., Saturday August 6, 2011
Where: The Art Institute of Atlanta-Decatur, One West Court Square, Decatur, Georgia 30030
Cost: $20
Coordinator: Gary Pearce, The Art Institute of Atlanta-Decatur
Every studio foundation class involves critiques. Most of the time the students just sit there and let one or two people do the talking. How do we get them involved and excited about speaking up and participating? This forum is for us to share our best practices when it comes to critique. Each participant will provide a work of art or picture of a piece. Then introduce the method of critique that works best for you in your classes..
Group size: 25
Registration: Contact Gary Pearce at gpearce@aii.edu.
FATE Regional Forum
When: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Saturday, April 30, 2011
Where: Pogue Student Center, Room 143, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, 405 Scotland Road, Edinboro, PA 16444
Cost: $25 (lunch provided)
Coordinator: Geoffrey S. Beadle, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
The purpose of this forum is to bring together foundations coordinators and faculty who are wrestling with (or have already wrestled with) the challenge of introducing digital technology into the traditional foundations curriculum (and classroom). Issues surrounding how technology can enrich the foundations learning experience, how to teach enough about digital hardware and software to make these tools useful (but not spend an entire semester doing so), how to maintain sufficient focus on essential formal instruction (and hand skill development), and how to convert the old-school technoskeptics will be the focus of the forum. I am looking for presenters who have developed innovative and effective courses, instructional methods, and/or assignments to supplement the discussion.
Group Size: Limited to 30 participants
Registration: Contact Geoff Beadle (gbeadle@edinboro.edu) by March 1, 2011.
FATE Regional Forum
When: 10:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 18, 2010 followed by a light lunch.
Where: Harford Community College, Bel Air, MD 21015 (Joppa Hall)
Cost: $0
Coordinator: Heidi Neff, Harford Community College
Focus: The primary purpose of this forum is to talk about how cultural, conceptual and historical frameworks can be integrated into any or all foundations courses and the development of critical theory courses in foundations. Heidi Neff will share her experiences from Thinktank5 in Athens, GA and participants will be asked to present an assignment of their own if possible.
Group size: unlimited
Register: Sign-up by contacting Heidi Neff by August 3, 2010: hneff@harford.edu
FATE Regional Forum
When: 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m., Friday, March 26, 2010
Where: Cultural Arts Building, UNCW, 601 S. College, Rd., Wilmington, North Carolina
Cost: $20.00 (coffee and snacks provided )
Coordinators: Andi Steele and Pam Toll, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Department of Art and Art History
Is creative freedom at the foundations level important? Is the lack of creative freedom why students have a negative view of foundations? How does creativity mesh with the essential knowledge that foundations students need? How does project structure (preparatory work, multiple deadlines, equipment/material instruction) affect the creative output? Can parameters actually increase creativity? These are some of the questions we seek to discuss at this forum. We are looking for people to give short 5-10 minute presentations to get the conversation started.
Group Size: 25
Registration: For more details, please contact Andi Steele at steeles@uncw.edu on or before March 1, 2010.
FATE Regional Forum
Chris Kienke and Jesse Payne, Savannah College of Art and Design
When: 9:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m., May 1, 2010
Cost: $35. Lunch is provided
Where: River Club, Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, Georgia
Foundation programs face many challenges –who is the audience, what are the academic needs, and even what is the purpose of the foundation program. The School of Foundation Studies at SCAD recently went through a revision of our program and we would like to continue the dialogue about what constitutes the ideal foundation program. The curriculum- what do students in the 21st century need to know, what is the best sequence, and why are all questions up for discussion. What’s the ideal, what type of program fits for your institution – the day is about inspiring change that works.
FATE Regional Forum
When: 9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m., April 9, 2010
Where: Plemmons Student Union-137AB Calloway Peak / Macrae Peak, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina. maps.appstate.edu
Cost: $20. Coffee and snacks provided
Coordinator: Lisa Stinson, Appalachian State University, Art Department
Foundation programs face many challenges in the 21st century. Appalachian State University core curriculum recently went through major revisions in order address these concerns and to encourage collaboration across disciplines. This conference will continue the dialogue and highlight collaborative efforts in the arts and in the classroom. Creative faculty/solutions to this challenge will be encouraged to consider developing a session at our national conference in St. Louis in 2011.
FATE Regional Forum
When: 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m., February 27, 2010
Where: Art building, Elgin Community College, Elgin, Illinois
Cost: $20. Lunch is provided
Coordinators: Mary Beth Koos, Elgin Community College and Cindy Hellyer Heinz, Northern Illinois University
Assessment to achievement, keeping an eye to future student success is the center piece of this forum. The emphases on traditional studio practices, the development of a visual voice and the ability to problem solve are the components which accommodate the diverse experiences our students bring to their art education. Our mission is to prepare our students with the tools, methods and critical thinking necessary to meet their future aspirations. Who are our students and how do we adapt their methods of learning to tackle intentions in the visual arts? What constitutes a Foundations Program that can help the first year student make a positive transition from high school or community college into the university system? How do we address the link between promoting the highest achievement student work and encouraging creative exploration?
Group size: Limited to 40.
Register: Sign-up by contacting Cindy Hellyer Heinz by January 10, 2010 at chheinz4@comcast.net
FATE Regional Forum
PROJECT SHARE. Exchanging projects and ideas that have successful in teaching art foundation courses
When: 5:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m., Friday, April 16 and 9:30 a.m.—5:30 p.m., Saturday, April 17, 2010
Where: Troy University, Troy, Alabama and "The Studio" in downtown Troy, part of the Troy-Pike Cultural Arts Complex
Cost: $35 includes meals
Coordinator: Pamela Allen, Troy University
This two-day event starts Friday downtown Troy at "The Studio" with a Southern soirée featuring Mediterranean Cuisine. Mary Stewart will highlight the evening with the keynote address, “Leading Change.” Project Share continues Saturday at Troy University’s Trojan Center where participants will break into groups to discuss their success stories, projects and ideas in teaching foundation courses. The morning sessions will focus on courses in drawing, two-dimensional design and color. Following a box lunch on the patio, the afternoon sessions will target courses in visual art, art history surveys, and three- and four- dimensional design. The event will conclude with a reception for Scott Betz who will be exhibiting in the Malone Gallery.
Group Size: Limited to 50
Register: Sign-up by contacting Pamela Allen by April 1, 2010 at (334) 670-3808 or pallen@troy.edu.